Under the project Unicase conducts a review of technical and economic justifications and decisions related to investment attractiveness necessary for the implementation of procurements. We prepare all the legal documentation related to tenders and provide legal assessment to Uzbekhydroenergy JSC and its technical and financial advisors to develop a procurement scheme. We also develop a detailed structure of competitive procurement processes and offer legal consultations to individuals involved in the implementation of hydropower trading.
The project aims to prioritize the development of small and medium-scale hydropower projects, including the construction of a cascade hydroelectric power plant on the Akhangaran River in the Pap district of Namangan region, the Dukentsay River hydroelectric power plant near the city of Angren in the Tashkent region, the Suvlisay and Kyzyl-Darya River hydroelectric power plants near the city of Yakkabog, and the Nizhnekoksu hydroelectric power plant on the Koksu River. These projects aim to diversify the energy sector, enhance investment attractiveness, and reorganize the investment project. Uzbekhydroenergy JSC implements 5 small and medium-scale hydro projects with a total capacity of 46.6 MW for grid connection and plans to implement all energy projects through a single competition procurement.