Big or small, every company may struggle to stay compliant under certain law, regulation, or circumstance. Our Clients rest assured, knowing that the best practices and the latest technology solutions applied ensure efficient operations. Unicase is an aggregate of corporate services, providing safe and streamlined corporate information availability.

While our Clients do business, our Team of legal, financial, and tax experts take care of them having solid legal standing.


Legal services in corporate law

Stay Compliant
The Project’s main complexity lies in the lack of hydropower industry professionals. Hydropower is a pressing issue in the country and requires law optimisation. Due to the total absence of any research on legislation related to hydroelectric power plants, Unicase has been the first to pave the way in this area and to indicate the barriers.
Corporate Services
  • Investor Protection: Local & International
  • Legal Framework Improvement
  • Negotiation Support
  • Asset Protection
  • Debt Recovery
  • Asset Tracing
  • Red-Flag Legal Due Diligence
  • Tax & Customs
  • Corporate & Commercial Advisory
  • Transactional Documents Drafting
  • Contractual Sanctions Recovery Counterclaims
  • Labour & Employment Legislation
  • Regulatory Approvals
Our Team advised the British Embassy on legal issues related to corporate law, labour, material contracts, and liabilities.
Our Team acts as a legal advisor to the British Council, providing specific legal advisory and related services on the Council business and legal matters across their offices in Kazakhstan, including support for adapting standard contract templates, statutory compliance, employment contracts and policies to comply with the local employment legislation.
We provide full support to a pharmaceutical company, GlaxoSmithKline, on legal issues related to corporate law, labour, tax, custom, and civil international law through secondment of an Associate.
Unicase ran labour due diligence processes for the Jacobs Douwe Egberts, a world’s leader specialising in coffee and tea production, with an aim to eliminate risks in HR management.
Established in 1994, Firebird Management is a private equity investment firm based in New York.
Schmidt Kranz GHH Kazakhstan LLP supports and develops the plastics and synthetic resin industry in Kazakhstan.
We supported the Chinese largest multinational construction machinery manufacturing company.
Contact us

Headquater: 7 Al-Farabi Avenue Block 5A | Nurly Tau BC office 307 |
Almaty 050059 | Republic of Kazakhstan
Tel: +7777 440 00 04

Kunaev st. 29/1| BC Diplomat | 14th floor, office 1414 |
Astana, 010000 | Republic of Kazakhstan
Tel: +7 771 709 6188

Mirzo Ulug'bek district | Mystakillik street, 7 |
Tashkent 100000 | Republic of Uzbekistan
Tel: +998979152225
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