Legal, business technology consulting services

Nerd Power
“If you don’t have a nerd in your life, you should get one.”
Regina Dugan, PhD in Physics, DARPA, 2011.

Scientists and engineers create ways forward for our wonderful Planet, do amazing, never-been-done-before things, and our Team support them. IT and technologies is a relatively new sector to Central Asian countries, busily developing. We support new trends, such as Legal Tech and Big Data, advising a wide range of players in the sector.
The Project’s main complexity lies in the lack of hydropower industry professionals. Hydropower is a pressing issue in the country and requires law optimisation. Due to the total absence of any research on legislation related to hydroelectric power plants, Unicase has been the first to pave the way in this area and to indicate the barriers.
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Unicase employs best personal data protection practices in line with GDPR requirements
Contact us

Headquater: 7 Al-Farabi Avenue Block 5A | Nurly Tau BC office 307 |
Almaty 050059 | Republic of Kazakhstan
Tel: +7777 440 00 04

Kunaev st. 29/1| BC Diplomat | 14th floor, office 1414 |
Astana, 010000 | Republic of Kazakhstan
Tel: +7 771 709 6188

Mirzo Ulug'bek district | Mystakillik street, 7 |
Tashkent 100000 | Republic of Uzbekistan
Tel: +998979152225
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