ESG is a set of environmental, social and governance principles of a company’s sustainable development. ESG criteria are currently used by investors and other stakeholders, as they allow assessing the risks and opportunities for the development of an organization. Climate change and lack of resources; data security and protection issues; diversity and equal career opportunities, transparency and ethical compliance — these issues affect the company's ability to create value in the long term.

Unicase aides companies in their quest to move from theory to practical implementation of ESG principles, helping them to develop a specific plan and strategy and implement individual initiatives.

ESG & Sustainability

We support enterprises that use the opportunities provided by the growth of ESG financial services to facilitate the energy transition in accordance with the agreements and guidelines of the UN COP.

Incorporating ESG into business strategies and implementation takes time and an appropriate approach. We fully support enterprises seeking to move to zero emissions and invest in new environmentally friendly or low-carbon enterprises or products.
We advise on integrated ESG management, implementation of net zero strategies, and identification of risks and obligations in order to meet the expectations of stakeholders. Sustainable growth is in everyone's interest.
Set off on your ESG Journey

ESG is not just a company's responsibility, but effective risk management and an opportunity for growth.

Our Services

ESG Asset Management Strategy

Currently, the business is valuated on the basis of its environmental, social and managerial indicators. Thus, it is extremely important for any company to demonstrate compliance with ESG standards and focus on results.

How we can help
  • Analyzing sustainability
    To determine which aspects of ESG should be focused on, we analyze all company's activities and supply chain, as well as consult its domestic and international partners.
  • Setting goals and choosing KPIs for sustainability monitoring
    We help you select and set specific goals for each ESG strategic area, as well as identify a set of key tracking performance indicators for sustainability performance management with subsequent disclosure of non-financial information.
  • Creating the roadmap
    We will propose a plan with initiatives for each specific ESG area aimed at achieving the set goals, which will form the basis of ESG practice for the coming years. Instead of unrelated ideas, you will have a structured roadmap with an emphasis on those projects that will benefit you the most.
The ESG Management Solution and Services in the Sphere of Climate Change and Sustainability

We transform your raw and disparate ESG data into valuable assets ready for reporting.

Our solution helps you collect ESG data, calculate metrics, set and track key ESG performance indicators, export reports or view data on interactive dashboards across all your organizations. It will also facilitate the reporting process and ensure consistent calculations, while keeping your ESG data secure and accessible from one place. This will help you comply with ESG rules, share ESG data with stakeholders, and strategically manage ESG performance.

Climate Strategy

The Net Zero Strategy is quite an ambitious goal for any organization. It can span many years and requires a systemic transformation of the operations model. We help streamline the process, unlock the company's potential to achieve carbon neutrality, and move on to concrete actions.

How we can help
  • Measuring the carbon footprint
    Determination of the initial level of the company's impact on the climate for subsequent monitoring. We will help you estimate your greenhouse gas emissions for ESG compliance in any technology sector, including as complex as the oil and gas industry, and create a monitoring and reporting system.
  • Assessing climate risk
    As to the sustainability risk assessment, we identify and prioritize climate risks using scenario analysis tools. The risk assessment becomes the basis for further strategy.
  • Setting goals
    We will propose specific goals to reduce your carbon footprint, i.e. the commitments that the organization can make and communicate to the public. A Science-Based Target Initiative approach (SBTi) is also implemented.
  • Developing an action plan
    We will propose a plan with initiatives and projects that will help the organization achieve its climate goals in the medium term. Initiatives will be classified according to the complexity of the implementation and the resulting effect. We can also help implement specific decarbonization initiatives and projects.
  • Providing reporting support
    We give consultations on the disclosure of climate-related information, includuing ESG legal and accounting issues. We can also help with the development of a plan for the implementation of the TCFD recommendations.
ESG Ratings

An ESG score assesses the effectiveness of an organization in sustainable development, its environmental and social indicators, management and policy, achieved results, and reporting system. We help structure your ESG practice so that it better meets the criteria of ESG rating agencies.

How we can help
  • ESG profile diagnostics and gap analysis
    We analyze the current level of the organization's ESG practice in terms of the criteria of the most popular ESG rating agencies. We spot current achievements and areas which could stand improvement.
  • Developing a plan
    We help to draw up a roadmap with ESG projects and initiatives that will help you meet the requirements of ESG ratings and eliminate current shortcomings in your ESG practice. The initiatives are classified according to the complexity of implementation and their impact, which helps to identify the most significant projects, as well as "quick wins".
  • Giving recommendations on information disclosure
    The quality of ESG disclosure will greatly affect your ESG score. We will evaluate your current practice and support you in increasing the level of disclosure of non-financial information.
  • Providing support in obtaining an ESG rating
    ESG ratings are very diverse. We will help you choose the ones that are most suitable for you and assist you in working with the rating agency.
ESG reporting

Quality disclosure of non-financial information is one of the key aspects of the developed sustainability practice. There is a growing demand from investors and other stakeholders for sustainability reports prepared in accordance with recognized standards.

How we can help
  • Defining the reporting strategy
    Developing an approach to reporting: what information to report, how to report and to whom, what standards to use and what requirements to comply with. Analyzing the current quality of non-financial information disclosure, assessing the development goals, reviewing best practices, and identifying the main material problems.
  • Developing a report release plan
    Formalizing the business process of preparing the report, including control, collection and consolidation of data; determining the deadlines and staff in charge; developing an approach to identifying significant topics. We can also help with employee training.
  • Assisting in the release of the report
    We prepare the final text of the report based on the provided information, check for compliance with the selected standards, develop the design and layout, as well as perform other works related to the publication of the report.
  • Providing the confirmation of the report
    We offer independent confirmation of non-financial reporting in accordance with GRI, IIRC, AA1000 and other standards.
ESG Management Approaches

Sustainable development is impossible without the participation of the Board of Directors. The attained performance depends on the corporate governance structure, which allows taking into account the interests of stakeholders, as well as on the development of policies and the quality of sustainability risk management.

How we can help
  • Developing the management system
    We will help develop a sustainable management system, including the development of an organizational structure, the distribution of roles and responsibilities, the development of internal policies and regulations.
  • Managing risks

    We integrate ESG risk management into the organization's risk management system, which will be necessary for public disclosure.
Sustainability Bonds

The trends of sustainable financing in the global capital markets open up opportunities for financing projects that improve the impact on the environment and social sphere.

How we can help
  • Structuring bonds
    We will help develop a bond issue concept so that it meets international standards and requirements, as well as the interests of investors. In particular, we will help structure the project being funded according to relevant environmental or social criteria.
  • Checking the bond issue
    An independent guarantee of the use of funds raised through sustainability bonds will confirm the financing of the environmental or social projects in the commitment. This is one of the most important factors for the successful issuance of sustainable development bonds, which will help strengthen the trust and interest of investors.
Equal opportunities

Ensuring equal career opportunities for all and combating discrimination is one of the key aspects of sustainable development today. This is also one of the most intricate areas, as risks and problems often remain implicit.

How we can help
  • Assessing the status quo
    We will analyze the existing practice of human resource management in order to identify areas of risk and shortcomings, the elimination of which would contribute to ensuring equal opportunities for career growth. We also analyze policies and procedures, quantitative indicators, and conduct interviews and surveys.
  • Developing an action plan
    We will propose initiatives aimed at addressing spotted weaknesses and risk areas, including the development or adjustment of appropriate policies and statements, as well as a plan of concrete actions to create inclusivity in the workplace. We can also offer key performance indicators for monitoring and reporting progress, as well as goals for diversity and inclusivity programs.
Sustainability-Related Loans

The introduction of ESG principles into lending processes in the financial institutions is becoming the main direction of sustainable development for commercial banks, since it is the portfolio of borrowers that represents the most significant impact of the bank on the economy, society and the environment.

How we can help
  • Sustainable products
    We help banks develop eco-friendly and social products, including both credit and non-credit ones. In particular, we develop criteria for eco-friendly products, support their design, and analyze market prospects.
  • Analyzing risks
    We will support the preparation of industry statements and policies describing the bank's restrictions on financing certain activities that do not comply with the bank's ESG principles. We will help with the classification of the portfolio by climate risks for reporting purposes and the subsequent development of sustainable financing practices.
  • ESG compliance assessment
    We will develop a system for evaluating borrowers according to ESG criteria, including an information request form and evaluation criteria and methods. We will also create a technical solution for effective evaluation and management analytics.
The Advantage of Unicase: Why Unicase for ESG?

Like you, we strive for careful management and integration of ESG principles and investments. Our own experience has taught us that it is possible to help solve problems in society and at the same time strengthen business. We have set climate-related goals, implemented ESG principles into corporate strategy, developed reporting practices, and helped our clients take major practical steps towards ESG in Kazakhstan and elsewhere.
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Headquater: 7 Al-Farabi Avenue Block 5A | Nurly Tau BC office 307 |
Almaty 050059 | Republic of Kazakhstan
Tel: +7777 440 00 04

Kunaev st. 29/1| BC Diplomat | 14th floor, office 1414 |
Astana, 010000 | Republic of Kazakhstan
Tel: +7 771 709 6188

Mirzo Ulug'bek district | Mystakillik street, 7 |
Tashkent 100000 | Republic of Uzbekistan
Tel: +998979152225
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